Yuxia's teaching interests include software engineering topics such as software testing and development paradigms, open source development, and frontier computer science.

  • Lecture, Open Source Software Development, Beijing Institute of Technology (Fall 2024)
  • Lecture, Software Testing, Beijing Institute of Technology (Fall 2024)
  • Lecture, Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology (Fall 2024)
  • Lecture, Requirement Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology (Spring 2024)
  • Lecture, Software Testing, Beijing Institute of Technology (Fall 2023)
  • Lecture, Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology (Fall 2023)
  • Lecture, Software Testing, Beijing Institute of Technology (Fall 2022)
  • Lecture, Software Architecture, Beijing Institute of Technology (Fall 2022)
  • Lecture, Software Testing, Beijing Institute of Technology (Fall 2021)